Create a game or application that addresses a global concern of either inequality or conservation. If you need ideas you can look at the
UN Global Issues list. This can tell a story to teach others about a culture they may not understand, or aim to help drive real world change.
Tool Versions Unity 2020 LTS or Unity 2021 LTS
You may use any IDE of your choice
App Requirements - Game Mechanics and Core Logic should be written in C#
- Minimum of 3 types of objects that are interacted with to progress gameplay or application state these can be:
- Collectibles
- Enemies
- Data entry points
- Other objects
- UI Elements to report any needed player feedback such as:
- High Score
- Level Progression
- Minimap/navigation
- The project should have states guiding it through beginning/middle/end. The application should handle the ability to restart should a completion or loss condition happen.
- Code should be appropriately commented and/or named
- Show knowledge of standard gameplay programming patterns such as:
- A playable build either as PC/Mac standalone, or WebGL - judges will need to be able to play your game.